I would like to debug some templated code to understand it better.
Unfortunately I'm new to template metaprogramming and it IS hard for me to get in.
当我尝试输出预处理的源文件时,我得到了 125 000 行代码:/
When I try to output the preprocessed source files I get 125 000 lines of code :/
那么有没有办法可以看到生成的代码?(我使用的库是 SeqAn)
So is there a way I can see the generated Code? (The library I'm using is SeqAn)
不,不是.预处理器与模板处理无关,由编译器执行.模板不会生成 C++ 代码,就像函数调用一样 - 它们是 C++ 语言本身不可或缺的一部分.
No it isn't. The preprocessor has nothing to do with template processing, which is performed by the compiler. Templates do not generate C++ code, any more than a function call does - they are an integral part of the C++ language itself.
这篇关于C++ 模板元编程 - 是否可以输出生成的代码?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!