对于嵌套模板,`>>` 何时成为标准 C++(而不是`> >`)

本文介绍了对于嵌套模板,`>>` 何时成为标准 C++(而不是`> >`)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我似乎记得,在过去,在处理嵌套模板参数时被警告不要将两个 > 字符放在彼此旁边(没有空格).我什至依稀记得声明了向量的向量并遇到了这个编译错误.

I seem to recall, in times of yore, being warned against putting two > characters right next to each other (without a space) when dealing with nested template parameters. I even vaguely remember declaring vectors of vectors of whatever and encountering this compilation error.


But now I find that there is absolutely nothing wrong with compiling the dreaded >>...



At what point did this convention become an acceptable practice?

它是标准 C++ 的一部分吗?

Is it part of standard C++?


Was it always part of the standard and the compilers I used (and the professors I had) in college just didn't support it yet?


Maybe these questions are a tad bit historical, but for me it seems that proper historical context makes actual remembering trivial.


使用嵌套 >>> 关闭的模板是 正式支持 即将推出的标准 C++0x(现在是 C++11).以前,您需要空间或编译器为您加倍努力(并且做了标准未指明的事情).

Templates closed with nested >> are officially supported by the upcoming standard C++0x (now C++11). Previously you would need the space, or a compiler that went the extra mile for you (and did things not indicated by the standard).

问题源于C中的>>是右移运算符,它是一个单独的词法标记,与两个单独的>冲突code> 在经典构造的 C++ 编译器的解析阶段需要的标记(并且仅在模板的情况下,而不是在它实际上是右移时).换句话说,>>,如果允许关闭嵌套模板,在词法上是模棱两可的,但是这可以(并且正在)在解析过程中通过额外的复杂性来解决(这在现代 C++ 中实际上是没什么新鲜的).

The issue stems from the fact that >> in C is the right-shift operator, which is a single lexical token, which conflicts with the two separate > tokens that would be needed during the parsing stage in a classically-constructed C++ compiler (and only in the case of templates, not when it actually is a right-shift). In other words, the >>, if allowed to close nested templates, is lexically ambiguous, but this can be (and is being) addressed by extra sophistication during parsing (which in modern C++ is really nothing new).

这篇关于对于嵌套模板,`>>` 何时成为标准 C++(而不是`> >`)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:C++ 中带有 typedef 和模板的常量引用 下一篇:void_t“可以实现概念"?
