


有谁知道一个好的初学者教程在 C++ 中使用调试器?

Does anyone know a good beginners tutorial for using the debugger in C++?


I feel as if I am missing out on a lot. I know how to step through the code and look at the local variables (although often even this causes me problems, it seems to have a mind of its own sometimes!).

其他一切(调用堆栈、运行线程等)意味着对我来说什么都没有,我还没有回溯到我可以破译(与分割的示例问题不同当回溯总是指向某个函数时的错误你的代码!).基本上我只是插入 cout 并没有更好声明,这通常是我最终要做的 :)

Everything else (call stack, running threads etc.) means nothing to me and I have yet to have a back trace that I can decipher (unlike in the sample problems for segmentation faults when the back trace always points to some function in your code!). Basically I am no better off just inserting cout statements which is normally what I end up doing :)

我正在使用 Code::Blocks 但愿意暂时更改 IDE学习调试器,如果有一个非常好的教程.我的教程发现要么只是解释如何逐步执行我已经完成的代码知道或者他们真的很全面地解释了一切,这只是对我的小脑袋来说是压倒性的,在这个阶段真的没有必要.

I am using Code::Blocks but would be willing to temporarily change IDE to learn the debugger if there was a really nice tutorial. The tutorials that I have found either just explain how to step through the code which I already know or they are really comprehensive explaining EVERYTHING, which is just overwhelming for my little brain and not really necessary at this stage.


我建议以下 教程 开始使用 Visual Studio 2010.它包含有关调用堆栈, 调试多线程程序 和其他可能需要的东西.Visual Studio 2010 的速成版是免费提供的,AFAIK 其调试器具有与商业版完全相同的功能.

I'd suggest the following tutorial for Visual Studio 2010 to start with. It contains information about call stack, debugging multithreaded program and other things which may be needed. The express edition of Visual Studio 2010 is available for free and AFAIK its debugger has precisely the same features as commercial editions.


上一篇:如何在函数返回的 GDB 中设置断点? 下一篇:在 GDB 中运行应用程序直到发生异常
